
How To Set Effective Sales Goals In 2024 (Examples)

Philipp S.
Last updated on January 3, 2024

Most companies’ sales goals are usually maximizing revenue. Unfortunately, these are not the most effective selling goals. 

Similarly in sales, you also need to define how to set clear goals. This article will show you the types of sales goals, five examples of them, as well as the way to create great sales goals. We will help you in the right direction for sales goals as well as answer the relevant questions.

What Are Sales Goals?

A sales goal is a clear set of objectives that can help individuals improve their sales effectiveness. They can help improve sales numbers and improve performance. 

Creating sales goals is not easy. It’s not just a simple answer like, “There will be more sales in the quarter.” Then, present your team with an action plan for the best possible results. It’s a simple formula.

Why Do Sales Goals Matter?

Sales goals are similar to Google Maps. Once you find the right place to go, plot a course on which to go. The right detail is needed to calculate the arrival time as much as possible, this is the SMART goal formula. Without a clear goal, you risk wrong turns, long journeys and even wrong directions. It is possible to improve growth, sales and customer retention.

Define what range of sales goals is realistic for your team

If 50% of salespeople don’t meet their goals, they’re likely to struggle. Most salespeople miss their goals, according to the Harvard Business Review. 

Before a business owner starts considering incentives or bonuses for his or her sales staff, you or need to do a thorough investigation of his or her business plan. It’s a complicated puzzle.

Evaluate Your Sales Team

What is the best use of your resources right now? No matter how hard it is to reach your sales goals, it won’t matter how long you put into it. Scaling the business to grow quickly is important. It takes a little time. Make sure you have something you can hit and a plan for how you’re going to achieve that goal. 

Developing strong sales teams starts with you. Let’s get to caution in the last sentence. Often a long sales process can be understood without extensive sales experience.

Assess market potential

Selling water to a relentless guy can increase their revenue without worrying. Each industry has its own unique characteristics and it will take time to find what you are selling and how to meet them. Can we build enough land for growth? 

Setting aggressive sales targets early in an untapped market is the most important step in acquiring larger pieces before competitors get in.

Determine your company’s goals

Get started. Even if you’ve only been operating for a few years, know that it takes time for things to turn around for you. 

Can you state how much your business should earn on average? How quickly can you grow your customer base? What is the worst thing you can do? Looking back can be the best way to decide where you want to go.

What is a SMART Sales Goal?

SMART sales goals are sales managers’ objectives to lead sales teams. Goal uses five criteria to set specific actions, achieve realistic goals, and set time targets for employee engagement. 

SMART sales goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Specific sales goal

Specific sales goals should be straightforward in what the sales team must do. For example, sales teams should target “increasing sales by 10%” versus “increasing sales.”

Measurable sales goal

Measurable sales goal can be tracked and measured so that progress is visible over time. This could include tracking sales calls or reading customer feedback.

Achievable sales goal

Sales teams should set realistic goals that are achievable and can be reached within the given timeframe. When sales goals appear too grandiose, they may become discouraging rather than inspiring.

Relevant sales goal

Relevant sales goals need to align with company values and objectives. Sales teams also need to consider what will be sales-driving activities, such as marketing campaigns and sales promotions.

Timely sales goal

Sales goals should also have a timeline for completion. Teams should establish deadlines and set milestones to ensure that tasks are completed on time.

These strategies can help sales teams develop practical sales goals that will bring them closer to success. It’s also important to remember that sales goals should be realistic and achievable. With clear objectives, sales teams can focus their efforts on what matters most and stay motivated while reaching their sales targets.

By setting sales goals, sales teams are able to track progress more accurately, as well as adjust strategies where needed. Ultimately, sales goals provide clarity and direction while helping sales teams stay on track and achieve desired outcomes.

Moreover, sales goals help sales teams focus on the big picture and work towards a common goal. They also encourage collaboration among sales staff and can increase team morale. With sales goals in place, sales teams are able to measure results against expectations, allowing them to make better decisions.

How to create SMART Goals and examples

In terms of sales goals, here are some examples of smart sales goals. You have a goal of getting 600 customers by April 2022. This specific goal sets the target. How much does it take to call one person every day to convert them? Note that a daily phone number can be easily calculated. 

Track performance

The process of planning and execution has many components, like the one described here. It is often impossible for an entrepreneur to have sufficient resources, and external factors such as competition or social or environmental conditions can also impact entrepreneurship. 

For this reason, you want to know where to start to achieve the goal. Now, if it is done manually, the database needs more data extracted. Instead, you should use a CRM program that allows you to track leads, customers, and more. You can create automatic dashboards to monitor progress.

Define your goals

Your goal needs to be outlined. You should have goals for measuring key metrics to increase sales of products or services. Line generation, calls, meetings, closures, etc. 

In a business hierarchy: team members may share different roles with Key result areas (KRA). Therefore, it is important to define personal goals and objectives. Often revenue goals are irrelevant to a graphic designer. KPI timelines vary for each cycle. Revenue goals are derived either monthly, quarterly, or annually. Lead generation goals are measured every week/day.

Annual contract value (ACV)

ACV – Contract value or ACV is a measure of annual revenue for a given contract between customer and supplier. Companies that rely on subscription and rental services may use annual contract value for goals or commissions. It is possible to add a monthly target to its annual contract price to get a total value. 

ACV is helpful for your sales team to understand sales and revenue trends. Knowing the total value of a contract, the sales team can determine what needs to be done to reach sales goals. This information can also be used in customer segmentation, sales forecasts, and sales performance analysis.

Lower the customer acquisition cost

Customer acquisition cost (CAC) represents a company’s total cost of acquiring customers. When CAC is low, you have higher revenue. Customer acquisition cost (CAC) includes all costs such as Customer acquisition cost is measured in the number of customer purchases. 

How to achieve lower customer acquisition costs? Offering discounts and sales promotions and improving customer experience are one of the best ways to achieve lower customer acquisition costs. Setting sales goals is also an important factor.

Improve performance

Keep tabs on sales performance KPIs and identify areas to exaggerate. Despite the strategies of stars who inspire other artists, training and mentoring can help them improve.  Keeping sales goals realistic and achievable will help your reps stay focused as they strive to meet sales targets.

You need to review sales goals regularly. It is a good practice to review sales goals every quarter or at least twice a year. This will help you track sales performance, measure progress and evaluate the effectiveness of your sales strategies.  Making sure that your reps are aware of sales goals and have the resources they need to meet them can also help improve their performance.

Create an action plan

Action plans describe a specific goal or objective. This document gives you steps to achieve your goals in a specific time frame. How to set sales goals?

Create an action plan for your sales team that sets out what sales targets need to be achieved, how your reps should approach customers, and the resources needed to reach those sales goals. Identify areas of sales process improvement and create actionable steps to further improve sales performance.


A revenue goal focuses on increasing a company’s net profit. They show how a company generates cash flow each year to pay expenses and make money. Revenue goals can be set for teams, operating divisions, or products for a specific time period. 

Your sales team should set individual sales targets and revenue goals based on the company’s overall sales goal. To set sales team goals, divide a sales goal by the number of sales reps in your team and assign each salesperson their own target. This will ensure everyone is held accountable.

Increase Sales Revenue

Sales targets are an important measurement tool for measuring revenue. Because revenue is tracked quantitatively and aggressively against monthly, quarterly, and annual benchmarks, you can easily set them up. For a company that sells specialized software and services, sales revenue goals might be as follows: increase our MRR (monthly return on revenue) in just 6 months.

How to achieve this? One is to develop a sales strategy. A sales strategy needs to be developed that outlines how sales reps will reach their goals and objectives. This may include developing an effective sales process, creating sales collateral, and discovering new sales channels.

Customer lifetime value (CLV)

CLVs can be used to predict the future value of customer interactions. This business indicator reflects the average amount the company can earn from the average customer over the course of the lifetime relationship.

A sales customer lifetime value (CLV) formula is an essential tool for sales teams. It can be used to assess the potential of the sales of individual customers and prospect lists as well as track CLV performance over time.

Sales goals should also take into account customer lifetime value, with your reps aiming to increase customer lifetime value over a specific period of time.

Customer retention

Customer retention refers to activities to reduce customer deficiencies. Similarly, customer retention rates measure customers who do not make regular purchases. 

How to improve customer retention rates? To ensure customer loyalty, your sales team must strive to boost the quantity and speed of deals as well as strengthen their customers’ lifetime value. for Your team can also capitalize on loyalty programs, sales incentives, and discounts to help retain customers.

Lead generation goals/prospecting

The most qualified leads will convert faster. The higher the number of qualified leads, the better the chance of closing the deal. With a qualification score of 70%, you can target sales teams to generate 50 qualified leads per month. If you want to improve sales, you should focus on increasing lead generation and sales velocity.

By the end of the sales process, your sales team should have an understanding of the cycle and different stages. Knowing where prospects are in their sales journey helps sales teams to adjust their strategy for better results.

To convert a lead into a sale, sales goals need to be set and tracked. Define sales goals for each stage of the sales process, analyze the performance of sales teams, and measure success.

Market share

In general, large companies and aggressive startups seek aggressive market share in the sales process. In other words, Amazon has the freedom and flexibility required to capture market share in multiple segments. The amount of sales your team needs to generate from each sales process should be enough to cover the cost of acquisition and increase the bottom line.

Your sales reps need to have an understanding of the sales process and customer journey. This will help them better understand how to meet customer needs, identify sales opportunities, and create sales strategies that focus on increasing sales volume.

Unit sales

All business goals apply. It’s easy to set a goal and a deadline that sellers can hit. In this example, you might be trying to sell 100 units weekly to sellers. Increase the number of sales reps on the team, or use sales automation for sales-related tasks and increase sales volume.

How to increase unit sales? Before your reps can increase sales volume, they need to understand their customer base and the sales process. They need to research the customer’s needs and wants, then create an offering that meets those needs.

Understanding customer buying patterns can help your reps provide more targeted sales strategies to meet sales goals.

Close More Deals

The best ways to increase the chances of winning are through different ways. You can see how many salespeople closed individually or how many sales reps closed individually. It is better to make both decisions by analyzing the team’s progress and evaluating the results. 

How does a team achieve personal goals and teamwork? Give your sales best practices to close three new deals each month before Q3 begins. Show best practices for determining sales close?

Reduce Customer Churn

When church prices are too high, it is necessary to reduce their prices. Setting a target is the best way to focus salespeople on important activities that may otherwise go unnoticed by other salespeople. 

The first step to determining customer churn is to subtract the number of customers you lost from their total during the last 12 months of the year.

Boost the Number of Cold Calls

Motivating a sales rep to make a series of sales phone calls can be tough. An incentive to improve outbound call volume will help increase sales. Your team can set sales goals for each sales rep in terms of the number of cold calls they need to make per day, week or month.

For example, you could set a goal that each sales rep must make at least five outbound sales calls each day. This will help ensure salespeople are actively targeting potential customers and increase the sales team’s sales activity.

Increase Average Deal Size

Close many deals are not enough for your business if it is very small. In this role, the team works to increase your deal value and volume to increase your sales volume. Your team might set sales goals based on the average deal size they need to close each quarter or year.

For example, you could set a sales goal that all sales reps must increase their sales revenue by 10% over the prior quarter. This will encourage salespeople to focus on larger deals that bring in more money and create long-term relationships with customers.

Deepen Lead Engagement

Sometimes sharing information with leads involves sharing content. But when it’s impossible to read the story, that’s where the problems are. Here’s an important way to target content to be more effective in sales conversations. 

How would that happen if we had trained sales reps on how to select and use relevant content naturally? Your team must first understand the sales goals, objectives and processes. Then sales reps can identify the story resonating with customers and provide relevant content in an appropriate format to deepen engagement.

Shorten Time to Close

It takes time to earn. The longer you try to reach your goal, the fewer chances you get to make money. On the contrary, the faster your sales cycle, the less cost of sales.  You want to the sales team to shorten the sales cycle and sales close rate. Measure the time between sales opportunities vs sales closed deals, this will allow sales reps to focus on the best opportunities faster.

Speed Up Response Time

You don’t want to lead to waiting for responses – not only to hurt your brand image but to encourage potential customers. So if you find unresponsive emails, calls or social media messages on your computer, you can stop them. 

You want to get sales staff to respond quickly. You can set sales goals to improve response times and track them against sales activities such as calls, emails, and social media messages. The amount of time sales teams take to respond can be used as a KPI, measuring sales performance and evaluating sales staff efficiency.

Raise Sales Email Response Rate

When using email sales opportunities, your open rate must exceed 90%. Set a goal for email responses where you determine the raw percentage, which helps you identify people with less-than-ideal customer needs. 

You need to pay attention to your sales goals in order to get the best sales results. Goals should be realistic and achievable, otherwise, sales staff will become demotivated when sales targets are too difficult or unrealistic to achieve.

To set sales goals, look for patterns in sales data and use your sales staff’s feedback to get an idea of what sales targets should be realistic. You can also use customer feedback as a way to gain insight into potential sales goals.

Sales goals should be regularly reviewed and updated, as trends come and go over time. Taking into account external factors such as changes in the economy or consumer behavior can help you adjust sales goals accordingly.

Incentive programs can also be used to motivate sales staff and keep them on track with their sales goals. These incentives could include rewards for sales achievements, recognition from management, or other forms of support such as sales training.

How to implement your sales goals effectively?

Calculate Your Ideal Monthly Sales Goal

To maintain annual sales goals, you should always monitor how it changes each month. If sales have increased or decreased, you need to know how the change happened. 

The easiest way to do this is to work within a realistic annual salary goal that your organization needs to achieve.

Don’t Expect to Get Your Sales Goals Right on the First Try.

Startups have three components: Build, Measure, and Continue. Your sales goal doesn’t have to be different. As your business grows, it needs to be aligned with actual results. If salespeople have hit their progress and started hitting goals, you need to push them forward. 

If you’ve had a few bad months, take a moment and talk about them. Bring them together to see how things are going. And even if something works, there’s no guarantee it will work. If you think revenue goals have the best chance of being met, start trusting them.

Properly Incentivize Your Sales Team

In the highly accommodating, fully transparent, and exceptionally experiential business of startups, salesy is criticized. Now we don’t advocate going back to the days when sleazy salespeople undercut prospects or college students alike. 

Create a culture of friendly competition where everyone wants the best sale possible. As much as you believe that company culture is an effective reason for doing business, the truth is your employees need a reason for breaking out the cash and hitting sales goals.

Sales Goals: Conclusion

Now that you understand what sales goals are, why they matter, and how to create SMART ones, it’s time to get started implementing yours. Remember to be creative in order to stand out from your competition, come up with specific measurable objectives, make sure your timeframe is reasonable, and adjust as needed.

Lastly, always keep an eye on your progress and celebrate your successes along the way! If you need help putting together a plan to achieve your sales goals or if you have any questions feel free to reach out for sales advice and assistance.

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